Order of Worship
We may approach the Holy God only through the Lord Christ as He is revealed in the Gospel. Thus, we follow a biblical gospel pattern in our worship. We find this gospel pattern of approach to God underlying the order of the sacrificial system revealed in Leviticus 9, and in Isaiah’s vision in Isaiah 6. Indeed, the Lord Christ is the whole substance, the meaning, underlying all of that form of symbolic worship revealed in the Old Testament, and fully realised in His person and work.
That gospel pattern of worship structures our exercise of the commanded word-centred acts of worship we find revealed in Scripture. The general outline of our practice of that gospel pattern of worship is as follows.
- Scriptural call to worship
- Prayer invoking the name of the Triune God
- Reading of the Law
- Prayer of confession of sin
- Scriptural assurance of pardon
- Confession of Faith
- Singing of a psalm
- Reading of the Sacred Scripture
- Prayer
- Reading and preaching of the Word of God
- Prayer
- Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper
- Singing of a psalm
- Benediction of the Triune God
To see examples from week to week of how this pattern is exercised each Lord’s Day, please review the order for morning and afternoon worship found in this archive of our our weekly bulletins.
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