
Lord’s Day Schedule‡

  • Sabbath School—9:45 a.m.
  • Morning Worship—10:45 a.m.
  • Afternoon Worship—2:00 p.m.
  • ‡ Regular schedule temporarily suspended.

What we believe

The only head of our church is the Lord Jesus Christ. He exercises His Supreme Authority in the church by the Holy Spirit speaking in the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments.

The Constitution of our church, which is subject to and subordinate to the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, the inerrant Word Of God, consists of the doctrinal standards set forth in the Westminster Confession of Faith, together with the Larger and Shorter Catechisms, and the Book of Church Order all as adopted by the Reformed Presbyterian Church General Assembly.

The Westminster Standards

The Westminster Standards contain a summary of what we believe the Holy Scriptures to teach on certain essential heads of doctrine. Further, these confessional statements are considered to be a standard exposition of the Holy Scriptures in relation to those heads of doctrine confessed therein. The Elders of Brainerd Hills Presbyterian Church believe, teach, and uphold the doctrines confessed in these Westminster Standards and have strictly subscribed to these standards as constituting the common confession of their most holy faith.

The Book of Church Order

The Book of Church Order is founded upon and agreeable to the Holy Scriptures and conforms to the general principles of church government and discipline as set forth in the Holy Scriptures.


We are **Christian** * We believe in one God who exists eternally as three Persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We believe that God the Father sent God the Son by the miraculous work of the Holy Spirit to be conceived in the womb of Mary while she was yet a virgin. The Son of God thus took upon himself a true human nature, body and soul, truly man and yet truly God. This Man is the Christ, the Anointed of God, Who was named Jesus because He would save His people from their sins. This One, our Lord Christ, the Captain of our salvation, lived a perfect life of obedience before God, died upon a Roman cross, was buried in a tomb, and rose again to life three days later. He ascended up into the clouds before the eyes of His Apostles demonstrating to them his return to Heaven where He now reigns until He puts all His enemies under His feet. The Father and the Son have sent the Holy Spirit with great power to Comfort the Church and conform her to the image of her dear Lord, the Bridegroom, Jesus Christ. We are **Protestant** * We believe that all mankind is fallen in sin and at enmity with God, justly deserving His eternal wrath. Because we are sinners who can never remove our own sins, we believe that our only hope of forgiveness and acceptance with God is by having the righteousness of the perfect Son of God, the only Saviour of Mankind, our Lord Jesus Christ accounted as our own. This complete forgiveness and acceptance with God is received by sinful human beings such as we are through faith alone, that is by trusting in Jesus Christ to save us by His perfect life and atoning death. This forgiveness and acceptance is not received or maintained in any way as a result of our works. Even the genuine faith of God’s people in Christ Jesus is not of themselves — this faith is graciously wrought in them by the Holy Spirit as a gift from the One who is both Just and the Justifier of the ungodly. All those who have this gift of saving faith will also have the continued work of the Holy Spirit within them so that they will grow in repentance and thankful obedience toward their Saviour. We are **Reformed** * We hold to the doctrines of Sovereign Grace as the truth of the Gospel revealed in the Bible. All mankind is hopelessly lost and naturally indisposed and opposed toward God and all that is pure and right, self-worshipping and idolatrous, disobedient and rebellious, justly deserving of God’s eternal wrath and punishment. But God, for His own glory, determined to save some from this mass of God-hating humanity. These could not save themselves. Indeed, left to themselves all mankind wills to continue in self-centred rebellion against God, and so none would be saved were it not for God’s unilateral intervention. Jesus the Christ accomplished this salvation for those that God had determined to save. We love Him because He first loved us. And of those that the Father has given Christ, He will lose none. They cannot be taken from His hand. They are His sheep, they know His voice, and they will follow Him. These are the ones for whom He laid down His life. He will save them to the uttermost for he works within them a new birth by an imperishable seed. We are **Presbyterian** * *UNDER CONSTRUCTION*

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