We hope you will find these resources helpful as you seek to know and serve the Lord Christ more deeply.
“Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord….” Philippians 3:8a
While we do not endorse everything associated with these ministries and organisations, we hope you will find many worthwhile and encouraging resources available from them.
Bible Study & Worship
Bible Commentaries
Psalm Singing
- Psalm tunes from the Book of Psalms for Singing
Books & Publications
Reformation Heritage Books
- To glorify God and strengthen His church through the publication and distribution of Puritan and Reformed Literature.
- RHB blog: Reviews, descriptions, announcements, and special offers — Reformed and Puritan literature.
- Soli Deo Gloria Publications — acquired from Ligonier Ministries in 2008.
Cumberland Valley Bible Book Service
- “Since 1987, our family owned and operated book service has sought to bring you the best available Christian books and Bibles at the best possible prices.”
- CVBBS Blog: Very up to date, informative, and helpful — “The CVBBS blog is here to keep you up to date on the world of Puritan and Reformed books and bible publshing.”
Educational Ministries
Ligonier Ministries
- Equipping Christians to Articulate What They Believe and Why They Believe It
- Video, audio, and written material available at the Ligonier Ministries web site.
- Renewing Your Mind radio broadcast
- Tabletalk Magazine
- Book Publishing
- Reformation Trust — designed to produce books that are true to the historic Christian faith by the best of today’s Reformed pastors, educators, and church leaders.
- Soli Deo Gloria — publishing works from the English and American Puritans. Acquired by Reformed Heritage Books in 2008.
…more to follow…
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