
Lord’s Day Schedule‡

  • Sabbath School—9:45 a.m.
  • Morning Worship—10:45 a.m.
  • Afternoon Worship—2:00 p.m.
  • ‡ Regular schedule temporarily suspended.

Archive for the 'Sabbath School' Category

Sabbath School: 21 February 2016

Sunday, February 21st, 2016

Audio from the Sabbath School class of 21 February 2016 is available here.

In this class we conclude our discussion of society, culture, and the spirituality of the church in light of the PCA multiculturalism agenda. We briefly discuss an article by Dr Rick Phillips titled ‘Socialism is Evil‘.

Sabbath School: 14 February 2016

Sunday, February 14th, 2016

Audio from the Sabbath School class of 14 February 2016 is available here.

In this class, we share some thoughts on the passing of Justice Scalia and how that relates to wider worldview concerns. We relate these concerns to a Christian perspective on cultural formation and provide some concluding thoughts on multiculturalism as the new PCA agenda.

Sabbath School: 7 February 2016

Sunday, February 7th, 2016

Audio from the Sabbath School class of 7 February 2016 is available here.

In this class, we continue our examination of Dr Robertson’s essay in support of the Personal Resolution brought before the General Assembly this past year and we review our concerns and criticisms in relation to this.

Sabbath School: 31 January 2016

Sunday, January 31st, 2016

Audio from the Sabbath School class of 31 January 2016 is available here.

In this class, we continue our discussion of several follow up items in relation to the proposed PCA agenda for racial diversity and multiculturalism. We continue our examination of Dr Robertson’s essay in support of the Personal Resolution brought before the General Assembly this past year.

Sabbath School: 24 January 2016

Sunday, January 24th, 2016

Audio from the Sabbath School class of 24 January 2016 is available here.

In this class, we continue our discussion of several follow up items in relation to the proposed PCA agenda for racial diversity and multiculturalism.

Sabbath School: 17 January 2016

Sunday, January 17th, 2016

Audio from the Sabbath School class of 17 January 2016 is available here.

In this class, we discuss several follow up items in relation to the proposed PCA agenda for racial diversity and multiculturalism.

  • Corporate confession of the sins of our ancestors
  • Presbytery actions to adopt the Missouri Overture
  • Urbana Conference, Michelle Higgins, and co-opting leftist social justice movements
  • The implications of multiculturalism for the development of human societies and cultures

Sabbath School: 13 December 2015

Sunday, December 13th, 2015

Audio from the Sabbath School class of 13 December 2015 is available here.

In this class, we conclude our discussion of the PCA agenda for racial diversity and multiculturalism, and briefly consider our Christian duties in relation to the current Syrian refugee crisis.

Sabbath School: 6 December 2015

Sunday, December 6th, 2015

Audio from the Sabbath School class of 6 December 2015 is available here.

In this class, we continue our discussion of historical errors in Southern Presbyterian thought on race and how those have contributed to racial discord today. We also consider how Gospel worship is a part of Christ’s remedy for this racial discord.

Sabbath School: 29 November 2015

Sunday, November 29th, 2015

Audio from the Sabbath School class of 29 November 2015 is available here.

In this class, we continue our assessment of the proposal to welcome diverse expressions of worship and worship styles flowing from the greater cultural diversity we are urged to pursue in the PCA. Next, we briefly survey historical errors in Southern Presbyterian thought on race.

Sabbath School: 22 November

Sunday, November 22nd, 2015

Audio from the Sabbath School class of 22 November 2015 is available here.

In this class, we continue our discussion of the changes generally suggested as necessary for demonstrating a genuine repentance in relation to the Personal Resolution offered by Dr Lucas. Having discussed the first two of those, we begin our discussion of the third, namely, that we must welcome diverse expressions of worship and worship styles that flow from the greater cultural diversity we are pursuing for the PCA.