
Lord’s Day Schedule‡

  • Sabbath School—9:45 a.m.
  • Morning Worship—10:45 a.m.
  • Afternoon Worship—2:00 p.m.
  • ‡ Regular schedule temporarily suspended.

Archive for the 'Sabbath School' Category

Sabbath School: The Regulative Principle – Application

Saturday, October 17th, 2009

Audio from the Sabbath School class of 11 October 2009 is available here. We conclude our review of the Regulative Principle of Worship and then in light of what we’ve learned we analyse an argument for creating a liturgical calendar with lectionary for observing sacred seasons and holy days.

Sabbath School: The Regulative Principle, Continued Review

Friday, October 9th, 2009

Audio from the Sabbath School class of 4 October 2009 continuing our review of the Regulative Principle is available here.

Sabbath School: The Regulative Principle, Review

Monday, September 28th, 2009

Audio from the Sabbath School class of 27 September 2009 on the review of the Regulative Principle is available here.

Sabbath School: Worship – Drawing Near, continued

Monday, September 21st, 2009

Audio from the Sabbath School class of 20 September 2009 on Worship is available here. A PDF outline of the class is available, as well.

Sabbath School: Worship – Drawing Near

Friday, September 18th, 2009

Audio from the Sabbath School class of 13 September 2009 on Worship is available here.

Sabbath School: The Regulative Principle of Worship — Circumstances of Worship

Sunday, June 28th, 2009

Audio from the Sabbath School class of 28 June 2009, The Regulative Principle of Worship — Circumstances of Worship, is available here. The outline discussed is available as a PDF here.

Sabbath School: The Regulative Principle of Worship — Outline and Review

Sunday, June 21st, 2009

Audio from the Sabbath School class of 21 June 2009, The Regulative Principle of Worship — Outline & Review, is available here. The outline discussed is available as a PDF here.

Sabbath School: The Regulative Principle of Worship – Ordinances, and Their Form and Content

Monday, June 15th, 2009

Audio from the Sabbath School class of 14 June 2009, The Regulative Principle of Worship — Ordinances, and Their Form and Content, is available here.

Sabbath School: The Regulative Principle of Worship — Divine Warrant

Sunday, June 7th, 2009

Audio from the Sabbath School class of 7 June 2009, The Regulative Principle of Worship — Divine Warrant in Worship, is available here. Note: The majority of the lesson was recorded but the battery failed with about 7 minutes of class remaining.

Sabbath School: The Regulative Principle of Worship (Continued)

Sunday, May 31st, 2009

Audio from the Sabbath School class of 31 May 2009 on The Regulative Principle of Worship is available here.