
Lord’s Day Schedule‡

  • Sabbath School—9:45 a.m.
  • Morning Worship—10:45 a.m.
  • Afternoon Worship—2:00 p.m.
  • ‡ Regular schedule temporarily suspended.

Archive for the 'Sabbath School' Category

Sabbath School: 15 April 2012

Sunday, April 15th, 2012

Audio from the Sabbath School class of 15 April 2012 is available here. Continuing our study of the history of the Reformation, in this class we discuss Luther’s rescue after the Diet of Worms and his seclusion at Wartburg Castle, his beginning the work of translating the Scriptures into German, and his return to Wittenberg […]

Sabbath School: 8 April 2012

Sunday, April 8th, 2012

Audio from the Sabbath School class of 8 April 2012 is available here. Continuing our study of the history of the Reformation, in this class we follow up on questions regarding the Romish doctrine of the definition of the membership of the church and continue our look at the Diet of Worms.

Sabbath School: 1 April 2012

Sunday, April 1st, 2012

Audio from the Sabbath School class of 1 April 2012 is available here. In this class, we continue our study of the history of the Reformation using T.M. Lindsay’s book entitled, The Reformation. We consider events leading up to the Diet of Worms.

Sabbath School: 25 March 2012

Sunday, March 25th, 2012

Audio from the Sabbath School class of 25 March 2012 is available here. In this class, we continue our study of the history of the Reformation using T.M. Lindsay’s book entitled, The Reformation. We continue studying the events surrounding and coming after Luther’s posting of the 95 Theses.

Sabbath School: 18 March 2012

Sunday, March 18th, 2012

Audio from the Sabbath School class of 18 March 2012 is available here. In this class, we begin a study of the history of the Reformation using T.M. Lindsay’s book entitled, The Reformation. We begin with Lindsay’s description of the background to the sale of indulgences and Luther’s posting of the 95 Theses.

Sabbath School: 11 March 2012

Sunday, March 11th, 2012

Audio from the Sabbath School class of 11 March 2012 is available here. In this class, John Auxier concludes our study of the doctrinal controversy between the Lutheran and the Reformed views of the person of Christ and the Lord’s Supper. WCF Chapter 8 – Of Christ the Mediator. ¶2. The Son of God, the […]

Sabbath School: 4 March 2012

Sunday, March 4th, 2012

Audio from the Sabbath School class of 4 March 2012 is available here. In this class, we continue our discussion of the incarnation of the Son of God, with emphasis upon the unity and divine root of the personhood of Christ. Q. 36. Who is the mediator of the covenant of grace? A. The only […]

Sabbath School: 26 February 2012

Sunday, February 26th, 2012

Audio from the Sabbath School class of 26 February 2012 is available here. In this class, John Auxier continues his series of lessons on the Lutheran-Reformed controversy over the Lord’s Supper. He takes up a discussion of the Reformed and biblical doctrine of the Hypostatic Union and the communication of properties. [NB: John uses the […]

Sabbath School: 19 February 2012

Sunday, February 19th, 2012

Audio from the Sabbath School class of 19 February 2012 is available here. In this class, John Auxier continues his series of lessons on the Lutheran-Reformed controversy over the Lord’s Supper. He continues his brief historical survey, and begins a biblical and theological analysis of the Lutheran doctrine.

Sabbath School: 12 February 2012

Sunday, February 12th, 2012

Audio from the Sabbath School class of 12 February 2012 is available here. In this class, John Auxier begins his series of lessons on the Lutheran-Reformed controversy over the Lord’s Supper. He begins with a brief historical survey to help us understand the context of the controversy.