
Lord’s Day Schedule‡

  • Sabbath School—9:45 a.m.
  • Morning Worship—10:45 a.m.
  • Afternoon Worship—2:00 p.m.
  • ‡ Regular schedule temporarily suspended.

Archive for the 'Sabbath School' Category

Sabbath School: 1 March 2015

Sunday, March 1st, 2015

Audio from the Sabbath School class of 1 March 2015 is available here.

In this class we introduce the direction of our coming classes by discussing the programme of study provided by LAMP Seminary and Session’s involvement with it. In coming classes we hope to learn about the calling of God in the doctrine of Vocation, in the doctrine of Effectual Calling, and in the Gospel Ministry.

Sabbath School: 22 February 2015

Sunday, February 22nd, 2015

Audio from the Sabbath School class of 22 February 2015 is available here.

In this class we examine and contrast the biblical perspective and the anti-biblical perspective with regard to the fruitfulness of the procreative union. We also consider some of the modern origins of that anti-biblical perspective, and what the implications are for our decisions in this area. Further, we then consider the moral importance of our responsibility in pursuing wisdom and preserving Christian liberty in our decisions about the use of contraception. Finally, we consider questions raised in relation to poverty and procreative fruitfulness.

Sabbath School: 15 February 2015

Sunday, February 15th, 2015

Audio from the Sabbath School class of 15 February 2015 is available here.

In this class we conclude our examination of the application of God’s design for marriage as a procreative union, and we begin a time of discussion.

Sabbath School: 8 February 2015

Sunday, February 8th, 2015

Audio from the Sabbath School class of 8 February 2015 is available here.

In this class we continue to examine more closely the application of God’s design for marriage as a sexual union, and more particularly as a procreative union.

Sabbath School: 1 February 2015

Sunday, February 1st, 2015

Audio from the Sabbath School class of 1 February 2015 is available here.

In this class we examine more closely the application of God’s design for marriage as a sexual union, and as a procreative union.

Sabbath School: 25 January 2015

Sunday, January 25th, 2015

Audio from the Sabbath School class of 25 January 2015 is available here.

In this class we continue considering the biblical application of the four connected principles we discerned from the Genesis account of God making man and woman as husband and wife. Those four principles are that marriage is a covenantal union, a complimentary union, a sexual union, and a procreative union.

Sabbath School: 18 January 2015

Sunday, January 18th, 2015

Audio from the Sabbath School class of 18 January 2015 is available here.

In this class we begin considering the biblical application of the four connected principles we discerned from the Genesis account of God making man and woman as husband and wife.

Sabbath School: 11 January 2015

Sunday, January 11th, 2015

Audio from the Sabbath School class of 11 January 2015 is available here.

In this class we summarise our lessons on forming a biblical view of marriage, by highlighting four connected principles arising from the Genesis record of God making man and woman as husband and wife.

Sabbath School: 7 December 2014

Sunday, December 7th, 2014

Audio from the Sabbath School class of 7 December 2014 is available here.

In this class we examine marriage as a Divinely instituted covenant and we consider some of the implications of that for society and how we live as Christians.

Sabbath School: 30 November 2014

Sunday, November 30th, 2014

Audio from the Sabbath School class of 30 November 2014 is available here.

In this class we consider the way that the Lord Christ and the Apostle Paul taught authoritatively regarding matters related to marriage. The Creation account in Genesis is found to reveal a Divinely created authoritative paradigm for marriage. Consequently, this account must form the same kind of foundation and function in the same paradigmatic way for us as we consider marriage related issues.