Proposed PCA Administrative Committee Funding Plan Fails
From TE Wes White’s blog post at Johannes Weslianus:
Breaking news: proposed funding plan fails
New York State Presbytery became the 27th Presbytery to vote against 14-1. Eastern Carolina earlier became the 27th vote against 14-2. Any amendment to the BCO requires approval of 2/3 of the Presbyteries. 27 Presbyteries constitute more than a third of the Presbyteries. Since we have reached the mark of 27 Presbyteries, the funding plan fails.
The funding plan would have created the first mandatory contribution to General Assembly ministries in the history of the PCA. With the defeat of the plan, all giving to General Assembly will remain voluntary.
Pastor White goes on to give the history of the development, promotion, and current defeat of this part of the Strategic Plan agenda. For more, see Pastor White’s blog post.